Website security

Protecting the web, protecting your business.

We offer different strategies to protect a website and its content against cyber threats and attacks. This involves safeguarding the integrity, confidentiality, availability of information and resources of the website.

  • Protection against hacker attacks: Websites are constantly targets of cyber-attacks, such as code injection, brute force attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), among others. It is essential to implement security measures to prevent and mitigate these attacks, such as firewalls, security filters, intrusion detection systems, and regular software updates.
  • Data encryption: It is important to ensure that information transmitted between the website and users is encrypted. The use of secure protocols such as HTTPS and SSL/TLS ensures that communication is confidential and protects against data theft during transmission.
  • Access management and authentication: Appropriate access controls must be established to protect restricted areas of the website and sensitive data. This involves implementing strong passwords, two-factor authentication, role-based access policies, and regular user privilege reviews.
  • Updates and patches: Keeping website software up to date is essential to closing known security gaps. This includes the operating system, the web server, the Content Management System (CMS), and any plugins or extensions used. Updates and patches typically include security fixes that address known vulnerabilities.
  • Data Backup and Recovery: It is important to make regular backups of the website and its database. This helps protect against data loss due to human error, attacks, or disasters. Additionally, having a disaster recovery plan in place allows you to quickly restore the website in the event of an incident.

Jesus Marcos Garza Rodriguez

Cybersecurity and IT Partner
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