Internal Vulnerability Analysis

Reinforced security: We detect and protect against threats.

A vulnerability scan is a process designed to identify and evaluate weaknesses in an information technology system, network, application, or infrastructure.


The main objective of this analysis is to discover and prioritize the existing vulnerabilities of the different electronic equipment within a company in order to take measures to correct them and improve security.


During a vulnerability scan, different techniques and tools are used to examine computers for potential weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

This involves searching for known vulnerabilities, such as configuration errors, software security flaws, unwanted open ports or outdated versions of the operating system, etc.


Vulnerability analyzes are essential to maintain the security of information systems and protect them from cyber attacks.


By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers, you reduce the risks of security breaches, data loss, service interruption, and financial damage.


Jesus Marcos Garza Rodriguez

Cybersecurity and IT Partner
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