Diagnosis, Awareness and Policies

Protect your business: Manage risks, ensure success.

More than 40% of companies acknowledge that they have not carried out a risk analysis of their information systems and more than 60% of companies are not aware of the problems that this implies for the business.

This figure increases significantly in SMEs, who have never carried out cybersecurity integrations and those who have done some work, have done so without a frame of reference that establishes the objectives and method.

Most of the digital security problems in a company would not exist if all employees had a basic understanding of existing threats and if they had safe daily work habits.

At BDO we know in depth the threats that can affect your company, and one of the pillars to eradicate them is precisely the training of all collaborators, whatever their responsibility.

Computer attacks and information leaks are becoming more frequent every day and they do not only occur in large organizations.

All companies, whether large or small, need to worry about their IT Security.

Your organization's policies are important.

At BDO we can review your cybersecurity policies and obtain evidence of their effectiveness in your organization.

¿Does your organization not have a policy? ¡No problem! We can prepare them and advise you on their implementation.


Jesus Marcos Garza Rodriguez

Cybersecurity and IT Partner
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