
We have specialized courses and workshops for public servants of each government level (Federal, State and Municipal) in the following topics:

  • Accounting Harmonization (General Law of Government Accounting and technical regulations of the National Council of Accounting Harmonization (CONAC).
  • Government Accounting in the Federal Public Administration (Central and Parastatal Sectors).
  • Financial Discipline Law of the Federal Entities and Municipalities (LDF).
  • National Transparency System (General Law and Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information).
  • Law of Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector and its Regulations.
  • Budget Based Results (PbR).

The training services are tailor-made for each public entity and are presented at the facilities of the agency or entity, or alternatively when the client requires it, anywhere in the country.


Juan Martin Gudiño Casillas

Audit and Assurance Partner
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