
Fernando Nandayapa Rizo

Assurance and Social Security Partner 

Financial Statements Audit | Government Sector Audit | Examination and Reviews for Special Purposes | Tax Compliance Examination | Social Security

Real Estate and Construction | Hotels and Tourism | Manufacture | Natural Resources | Transport and Logistics


Executive Summary


He has more than 34 years of experience in public accounting, performing audits in public and private companies in several areas.

He has specialized his work in several industries such as manufacturing, construction, car dealerships, maquila services, distributors, personnel services, shares bearers, real state agencies and metallurgical industry.

He has been involved in establishing internal control manuals and preparing the policies included in them, likewise, has participates in internal audits and in due diligence services.

He is member of the Ethics and Independence Committee of the Fimr; he is an expert on professional training.



The public and private companies he has participated in are:

  • Grupo Elektra (Services Companies)
  • Grupo Corvi (Bearers, sub-bearers and real estate)
  • Cemix México, S.A. de C.V. (Fabricación de adhesivo universal para pisos y azulejos, stuco, resanador, autonivelante, etc.)
  • Grupo Clisa (División Energía – Dedicada a la venta de gas, energía eléctirca y coque de petróleo).
  • Metrofinanciera, S.A.P.I. de C.V. SOFOM ER (Otorgar créditos al sector inmobiliario y de la construcción).
  • Construction companies in which he has collaborated:
  • Marhnos Construcciones, S. A. de C. V. (Proyectos de hospitales  y puentes)
  • Constructora Marhnos, S. A. de C. V. (Proyecto de autopistas y  puentes)
  • Grupo Baita (Proyectos de vivienda)


Professional Memberships
  • Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México
  • (College of Certified Public Accountants)



  • Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Certify Public Accountant by IMCP